Children's Books
Inspired by the storytellers of the future
Perhaps where it all begins, for each of us, as babies we're taught stories. They follow us as we age and develop and grow with us into our adulthood, becoming branches to our past. Children's books contain wonder, imagination, and beautiful variations of the foibles and fables of life. These stories are inspired by real friends and families. To them, thank you for a lifetime of friendship and love.

Our stories...
Sometimes a story has the power to alter events in life, or if I were more bold, I would dare to say that stories are the entire fabric of existence. Quilted together to create lifetimes of beauty, struggle, failure and success. An orchestra of color, ensconced in imagination containing unlimited magic. Children's stories help guide all of us towards our best selves, with life's lessons stimulating growth and expansion.
Mac & Molly
Klütz (Happy Grass)
The Reckless Unicorn
Mr. Music the Bear
Jeremy the Dancing
Jelly Bean
El Maravilloso Congrejo
Duncan the Dumb Owl
Finding Freida
Mac and Molly run away from home. Now they must help each other in order to get back.
Klútz sings through his broken tooth. In love with another blade of grass that dances across the road. He uproots himself to get to her.
Wyler is just a teenager, discovering her magical powers is not easy, especially because she destroys everything around her.
A boy gets lost in the blue forrest. He follows the voice of a singing koala bear to find his way home.
Jeremy loves to dance. It's the only way to survive.
Mirth, the surfing crab, must save his island and family from a tsunami.
Duncan is a Dumb Owl who must learn to accept himself so that he can help his forrest.
Pock goes on a nautical quest to find his sister Freida who he lost in a storm.
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